There are many well-known myths surrounding health that your parents may have told you when you were younger. Here are some of the most widely believed and the science behind them:

HEALTH MYTH 1 – cracking knuckles causes arthritis

The painless cracking of joints such as knuckles is satisfying to some but irritating to others. However it causes no harm and is just air bubbles being popped into the space between joints. Vacuums can build up as joints move and cracking of those joints does not cause arthritis or have any side effects at all.

HEALTH MYTH 2 – being cold gives you a cold

The classic warning from mothers as they urge their children to wrap up warm or else they will catch a cold. Colds are viruses that need to be passed on, they cannot appear out of thin (cold) air! Although studies show that being cold does lower the immune system, it is also proven that being cold does not make you more susceptible to catching a common cold.

HEALTH MYTH 3 – reading in low light causes poor eyesight

Many parents admonish their children for reading by torchlight and persist to tell them that it will damage their eyes. Although it can cause temporary eye strain, it has not been proven to damage the structure or function of the eye permanently.

HEALTH MYTH 4 – pulling out grey hairs will cause more to grow

The common myth about the vengeance of the grey hairs. Many worry that plucking those greying hairs will result in ten more growing in its place. This is simply not true. Plucking a grey hair will cause another one to grow in its place but only because the pigment cells of the hair follicle has died. The surrounding hairs will not turn grey until their pigment cells die too.

HEALTH MYTH 5 – toothpaste gets rid of spots

A common misconception is that toothpaste can eliminate spots and blemishes. Although the cooling sensation can feel as if it is helping, toothpaste actually worsens the situation. Toothpaste has several harsh ingredients that will clog pores and encourage further breakouts. Toothpaste is widely known for drying out spots, reducing them, however when the skin dries out too much, it can cause pimples to look even bigger and redder.