With the rise of social media and persistent scientific research, mental health has been brought to the forefront of the 21st century. Although this seems to be positive, the normalisation can be seen as problematic. 

The WHO describes mental health as “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” Fundamentally, this identifies that a person's mental stability is crucial for becoming a functional member of society. Thus, as individuals we are keen to keep all aspects of our health well-maintained and so have destigmatised the concept through conversations with friends and family.  

In the wake of budding online platforms like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, Influencers often share their experiences of poor mental health and raise awareness on how they overcome issues. For the younger generations, this is the most impactful way to spread awareness as the online celebrities often hold the admiration from the youth. Additionally, they promote sponsors such as ‘BetterHelp’ which is an online counselling and therapy service with licensed professionals.  

Despite the social stigma being worn down through online conversations, the scientific discoveries prove the importance and prevalence of mental health. This is demonstrated in the research published by Queensland Brain Institute which found that 50 percent of the population develop at least one disorder by the age of 75. Compiling this newfound knowledge allows for specialists to develop the efficacy and availability of therapies, medications, and interventions.  

Through the normalisation of mental health, we have been able to reduce stigma and increase awareness and support. However, with this has created trivialisation of serious conditions as common phrases such as “I’m having a panic attack” when we just experience a small amount of stress. Overuse of serious conditions make them seem more common and in cases can glamourise conditions such as OCD. Additionally, increased awareness from social media leads to self-diagnosis which is not always accurate and diminishes the need for professional opinion. 

Overall, discussions of mental health are necessary to raise awareness, yet the importance of seeking professional medical advice should not be sidelined by society.