
In Greece, at exactly 11 am people throw their old clay pots onto the street on Easter Saturday morning. It is believed that the sound of pots breaking scares away evil spirits and make a new beginnings. 



This one is a particularly interesting one. In Norway, they participate in Påskekrimmen, where they read murder mystery and crime thrillers! This is taken very seriously as broadcasters focus on broadcasting murder mysteries on Easter, even milk manufacturers print murder mysteries on milk cartons. 



The people of Bermuda celebrate Easter by flying kites. They have an annual kite flying festival on Good Friday where they make kites in the shape of hexagons. Flying kites is supposed to remind you of Jesus rising to heaven.  



In Poland, Easter is celebrated with a water fight. It is known as wet Monday and is celebrated in many other countries as well as Poland. It dates back hundreds of years ago to the baptism of a Polish prince. 



In a small town in France, every Easter Monday, people make a giant omelette! They use 15,000 eggs and feeds thousands of people. The tradition was born from the legend that Napolean Bonaparte ate an omelette in a small town and liked it so much he wanted a big one for him and his army. 



In Finland and parts of Scandanavia kids dress up and ask for sweets just like Halloween in the UK.  



In this country, two processions happen during Easter — the procession that the men are in follow an image of Jesus risen from the dead while the procession with women follow Mary, who’s wearing a black veil. The two groups meet at the church as a symbol of Jesus comforting Mary after he rose from the dead. Then girls who are dressed up as angels for Easter take off Mary’s veil (called a lambong) and people celebrate.