On Friday the 15th of March, pupils in Kingston Grammar School celebrated Red Nose Day by wearing clothes that were, surprisingly, blue instead of red!


Red Nose Day is an event that aims to raise funds to support those in need. Organised by Comic Relief, it first started in the UK and now happens in other countries too such as the US. People would wear red clown noses and do other fun and comic things in order to raise money for charity. The money then goes to help people who don't have enough food, a safe place to live, or good healthcare or education, etc. It is a fun event because people can help each other while having fun at the same time.


In Kingston Grammar School, Red Nose Day is celebrated every year. However, rather than wearing red like one would expect, students are actually asked to wear blue clothing instead! This is because KGS’s school uniform is mostly red, and the teachers thought it would be fun to wear a different colour to school instead. This is why you can spot pupils all wearing blue clothes walking around KGS on Friday.


Celebrating Red Nose Day is a great way to raise money, especially in school. Firstly, students can all feel the satisfaction from knowing that they’ve contributed to this charitable event of helping those in need. Secondly, it is also very exciting as students can take this as an opportunity to wear what they feel most comfortable in and fully express themselves. So overall, it is a great day for everyone!