The latest play to debut at London's National Theatre is Tim Price's Nye. A play which uncovers the truth of the life of Labour MP Nye Bevan (Micheal Sheen) - who spearheaded the campaign for the establishment of the National Health Service as Health Minister in Atlee's government. Many call him "the most important British politician to not be Prime Minister" and this play explores perfectly the nuances of his career.

One of the most crucial parts of this production is the stagecraft - led by stage designer Vicki Mortimer. The play is continuously set within the scope of an NHS hospital - a manifestation of the legacy of Bevan - and the main motif is through the death of Bevan to cancer. Despite historical inaccuracies - Bevan died at home -, this choice of set allows for the audience to perfectly understand the foundational impact of Bevan's move for the NHS. His legacy and how this completely enriches modern-day Britain. 

Micheal Sheen (Good Omens) leads the ensemble to showcase this story. The standout star in this play to me was Sharon Small who played Jennie Lee - Bevan's wife. This play began to uncover the political brilliantness of Jennie yet I feel it failed to fully pull off the covers and display her shining career. 

When elected in 1929, Jennie Lee became the youngest MP and the first female Labour MP to represent a Scottish seat. Upon her election, she immediately came into crossfire with the leader of the party with her debut speech being an attack on Churchill's budget. She was known to exit dinner parties when it was asked that the women would have to leave the room when the port was poured. 

This play was riddled with an essence of fantasia. To the extent to which Sheen produces a musical number halfway through. Yet, it is able to convey the importance of Nye Bevan to the modern British person. As always an absolute enjoyment at the National which showcases the beauty of British theatre.