At the Tiffin Girls School, Neurodiveristy Week took place from 25th to 28th March, aiming to raise awareness about neurodivergence and create a ‘sense of calm’ after the busy half-term at school. 


We aimed to achieve recognition of neurodivergence through a wide array of events planned for students and teachers to engage in, with the display in the foyer outlining what it means to be neurodivergent, demonstrating strengths while tackling misconceptions with opportunities such as sensory toys, a jigsaw puzzle, and mindfulness colouring available, as well as a "ask your peers" service, both available all week long,  in which a group of students were actively engaged in raising more awareness and answered any questions approached with. 

Other events available within school where a meditation session during a lunchtime to de-stress following along the notion of calmness for this year’s theme following ideas of ‘Learn to be calm, and you will always be happy’ – Paramahansa Yoganandra, and ‘your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges.’ – Bryant McGill.

Anushka Iynkaran, a student in year 7, said “i enjoyed Neurodiversity Week  because in the foyer I like looking at all the posters and it was nice to see how other people see the world…and how they made us discover how other people see the world, and I like the quiet time because you could relax and draw and sleep.”

Overall, raising awareness of neurodiversity fosters acceptance and inclusivity, allowing individuals of all cognitive profiles to thrive and contribute. It promotes understanding and values unique perspectives, essential for building a more equitable and supportive society, and this is why our school took part in raising awareness for neurodiversity this week.