Tiffin Girls’ School celebrated its annual Geography week, starting Monday 18th March, and boasted a variety of activities for the students to complete. This included a geography themed jigsaw puzzle, which the students were challenged to complete by the end of the week, a Green Careers talk, which spoke about carbon capture and working in the energy sector, and even a geography themed quiz, all of which were held at lunchtimes during the week. 


Another event held during Geography week was the Photo Competition; students were encouraged to submit photos along with a short description in answer to the question, ‘What does place mean to you?’ The concept of ‘place’ in this question could have been interpreted in several ways, from a spatial location to a human experience.The month preceding Geography week was allocated for students to submit their entries, and the results were announced on the Thursday of Geography Week, with winners from each year group and one winner overall. 


“The competition allowed me to open up about how a small picture could have a deep meaning,” says Christina Fernando, the Year 10 winner of the competition, whose work was highly commended by the judges for the scenic picture of a Barcelona beach accompanied by a moving paragraph that spoke of her family’s fond memories towards the place. “It gave students a chance to explore themselves and discover memories hidden beneath.”