Last week, the Tiffin Girls’ School held their annual Fashion Show, a tradition led by the Art Department, and orchestrated by Ms Kilpatrick, our assistant headteacher. The Fashion Show is an evening dedicated to showcasing the students' talent at TGS and displaying their works of art on the runway. This year, the theme is Diva, which aspects of the outfits are based on. How their artistic capabilities are demonstrated is varied: the evening included fabric manipulation, wearable sculptures and outfits made entirely from clothes from charity stores. It was a night to remember and had a multitude of highlights.

During this term, the Year 9s have been designing outfits inspired by classic “divas” such as Britney Spears, Cher, Lady Gaga and many more. They created wonderful articles of clothing from scratch, including headdresses and various other props. Each class was unique and all outfits were well made and modelled amazingly by the students. Nostalgic songs were played, and memories were made by the showcase.

Moving up the school, a beautiful part of the evening was the GCSE and A-Level art students’ showcase of their work. The Year 10s created wearable sculptures with the theme of natural forms.

Seeing our friends’ artwork was unbelievable! All the sculptures were so well made and beautiful - Elaina Jobin, student at TGS

Additionally, the sixth-form students made extravagant wearable sculptures directly or abstractly inspired by an example of their artwork from year 11. All students owned the stage and left the audience in awe at the talent and skill required to make their pieces. Each sculpture was unique and reflected the artist expertly.

To end the night, our teachers took to the catwalk and competed for the best Charity Store outfits! Students in years 10 and 8 were given £30 to purchase and create a show-stopping outfit fit for a diva! Each class was given a different scenario that the diva would be in: “diva at the Oscars”, “diva about to board a flight” etc. They were assigned a teacher to dress with this theme, resulting in glamorous and diva-worthy attire. Though the Charity Shop Challenge always brings a close competition, Mr Hares won with “diva on the stage at the Albert Hall”, dressed by 10W, with a close runner up of Miss Dent Burnett with “diva ready for gym class”, dressed by 8S.

Once again, the students at TGS have displayed their vast talents through their artistic capabilities. Ms Kilpatrick and all staff and students involved made a night to remember for the audience.