News Shopper is now on WhatsApp, meaning you can get all the latest breaking news in south east London and north Kent straight to your phone.

You can get the latest breaking news straight to your phone if you just click the follow button on this link HERE 

Every day, we'll be sharing the top stories in Bromley, Bexley, Dartford, Lewisham and Greenwich - plus the best images, video and other content.

To get your notifications immediately tap the 🔔 at the top of the channel page to activate. 

This Is Local London:

News Shopper editor Simon Murfitt said: "We know how busy life is in south east London and north Kent, and we also know our readers want to stay up to date with all the important things going on in their communities. 

"Therefore I'm really excited to be able to launch our WhatsApp channel, which will give anyone who follows all the latest news without having to go searching for it. 

"Make sure you activate notifications in WhatsApp so you get our updates as soon as we send them."

You can follow News Shopper on WhatsApp HERE