In a time where life can be a struggle for many due to a rising cost of living and the impact of world events, standing on a pavement on a chilly February afternoon might not be everyone’s first priority. However, Sunday 25th was the date of the Seething Wells Festival in Surbiton-a festival organised by and for the local community which has taken place since 2009. The Mayor of Kingston arrived, to be greeted by giant hand-crafted models and a plethora of costumed people...including a giant hamster! 

People of all ages came out in force to celebrate-many wearing headdresses of goat horns in honour of Lefi Ganderson- the hero of our local folk story.  

Everyone excitedly bustled through the streets following the model giant made of paper mâché and recycled plastic bags, Thames Deeton, the ‘villain’ of the story, and the model of Lefi Ganderson who is half boy, half goat. Lefi’s story is a classic tale of good overcoming bad, and the change one person can make in their community. Although this story was written some time ago I have really enjoyed listening to the reading of this book over the years at the festival. 

It was wonderful to join the parade as everyone seemed so proud and happy to be part of the Surbiton community. I loved the different characters and costumes-the latter being handmade. Having spoken with several of the festival volunteers, these events need careful planning and preparation if they are to continue, so local volunteers are absolutely essential to keep the Seething Wells Festival alive for future generations to enjoy. The special story for the Surbiton community is such an interesting way to create a new tradition for us all to be part of. 

I would encourage others to support their local festivals as they really do bring communities together, as well as being lots of fun!