Why is education so important 


Education allows our minds to prosper and gives us opportunities. In addition to this, we are taught different views and opinions about culture, politics and religion and many more. I personally find this interesting. Having an education makes you self-dependent and now you will not have to rely on anyone but yourself (this also prevents you being let down by someone else). 

Financial stability 

Completing higher education such as sixth form and university enables you to have a better job, typically higher paying. The more educated you are the higher your employment rate. However, having low grades will not necessarily always negatively impact you so it shouldn't stress you out too much. 

Too many, education is considered invaluable and I agree as it helps us improve our knowledge in all sorts of aspects. For example, work experience helps us guide us to what career path we would like. 

Personal development/Character development 

Personal development is vital for a growth mindset and prepares us for the “real world”. It gives us an aspect of what people are like and how everybody differs through their various characteristics. Furthermore, this helps us build a better tolerance towards people helping our collaboration and patience skills. Character development also helps shape our characteristics between what staff and students you meet, especially if you're an introverted person talking and meeting with different people within a school environment helps boost your confidence. 

Your dreams 

School can help make dreams become a reality with the support and guidance given to students. Many schools tend to have a careers adviser to help students know what type of career they would like to have. Having an education in the long term can lead to greater satisfaction especially if you're doing your dream job that you enjoy