All of us Londoners have seen rapid and drastic changes in the transport networks and standards of our city, with the introduction of the ULEZ and the rapid change from many diesel buses to electric counterparts. Therefore, we must open ourselves to the possibility of further unpredictable changes, which are eventually inevitable considering London’s population will increase by over 2 million over the course of the next three decades. However, which way these changes will lead us, one cannot say for sure.


Over the course of the previous years, the government has made significant efforts to make the transport network as eco-friendly as possible. We have all seen the introduction of ULEZ and electric buses, and the rapid rise in demand of electric vehicles by the general public, and new technologies and innovations will only catalyse the process of London having a carbon neutral transport system. An outstandingly noticeable example of this is the introduction of hydrogen powered vehicles, which produce no carbon emissions at all, and yet maintain the massive range that petrol vehicles have traditionally given us. Indeed, Transport For London has noticed the potential opportunities hydrogen power can pose to us, and has taken a keen interest into it, having produced 20 hydrogen powered double-decker buses, and aiming to have a total of 500 in their fleet by 2030. Perhaps we may also exceed the limitations of our current world, and employ hyperloops for rapid transportation, and use smart roads to control traffic flow in conjunction with the rapidly emerging trend of self-driving vehicles.


Another foreseeable way in which our transport network may change is through the introduction of new methods of transportation. Currently, the government is focussing on extending and improving transport networks across London, with upgrades to the tube and overground, and the introduction of the Docklands light railway. However, with the exponential population increase facing us today, these changes will clearly not suffice. Eventually, newer, faster, more efficient methods of transportation will be implemented. Perhaps the addition of a hyperloop, or the introduction of flying cars to distribute road traffic and ensure lower congestion limits. There will be many other ideas and technologies implemented between these two suggestions, but only the sky is the limit (no pun intended).


In conclusion, there will certainly be rapid development and alteration of London’s roads and transport networks, catering for both the environment and the ever increasing population. However, the possibilities for which way this happens are endless, dependant entirely on the new technological developments and events in the upcoming years, but it is certain that we must be willing to embrace change, and perhaps play an active role in the future of London’s transport.