With its birth in 2006, Shen Yun is a performance in which professionals of classical Chinese dance perform on stage to display aspects of Chinese culture. Along with a combination of other performances such as singing, Shen Yun is now one of the biggest shows in the world.

From traditional Chinese ethnic and folklore dance to story-based dance, the show incorporates a number of acts that aim to convey Chinese culture and politics, amongst other things.

In this diverse show, no dance is ever the same. Every time the audience thought a dance had reached its peak, there was more! Professional dancers carried out their acts in beautiful and eccentric manners. Costumes and displays were both colourful and enticing, nothing ever being the same as another act. Whilst some costumes may have had long sleeves that flowed with the movement of the dancers, other costumes involved the use of fans which were used to create beautiful images for the audience.

The combination of leaps, tumbling and graceful movements from both male and female dancers often involved some comedic aspects to it, making the performance altogether more enjoyable. The action never ended, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what would happen next in the story. By using small gestures and details, the dancers of Shen Yun have the ability to reveal enough emotion in the dance that the overall dynamic of the performance is lifted.

A talented live orchestra performed every song with a wide array of instruments. Just some of the instruments involved were erhus (Chinese violins), pipas (Chinese lutes) and a gong. The orchestra, playing its part perfectly, added a whole new dimension to the performance. This was well done through even the smallest of changes in their music playing. For example, reaching a diminuendo when a character in the story being performed may have been doing something sneaky before playing a crescendo when the character got caught. The way each instrument blended perfectly with one another created a better feel and atmosphere.

Before each act, the audience is greeted by two speakers who come onto the stage and explain the story behind Shen Yun and the act that is about to take place. This is said in both English and Chinese where a good description of the upcoming story is given - not only does this add a more personal touch to the show for the audience, but knowing what the next act is about allows the audience to enjoy the colourful dances more and delve deeper into the story.

As well as to provide entertainment, Shen Yun also brings forth problems that many may not be aware of, particularly to do with politics. By performing these hidden issues in Chinese culture through elegant dancing, the message delivered to the audience is more impactful.

Shen Yun is aided with an animated screen background - a digital backdrop that allows scenes to be brought to life. Imperial places, training school, shopping grounds were places the performers, as well as the audience, visited all whilst staying in the same place. This helps add to the acts entirely as it is much more interactive for the audience in helping them grasp what is happening in each scene.

However, dance is not the only act done on the stage.To add to the diversity of the show, singers would occasionally appear on stage and sing Chinese songs, with the help of a professional musician accompanying them. This increased the quality of the enriching experience of discovering more on Chinese culture since emotion and power could be heard in the voices of the singers and the music being played.

Overall, Shen Yun is a colourful, beautiful and impactful show that manages to convey powerful messages and influence the minds of the watchers through just dancing and singing. With the dynamic and graceful professional dancers and emotive singers, it is guaranteed that you will never be bored since the diversity of the way Chinese culture is performed is never the same. Costumes, comedy and colours leave you wanting more as well as providing you with a better understanding of Chinese culture and the politics included as well. A worldwide performance and one of the biggest shows on earth, it is unquestionably worth a watch.