I recently went to watch the new collaboration between gecko theatre and the national theartre resulting in a spectacular piece of physical theartre of unnatural movements. Without spoilers the piece follow two families immigrating their respective countries in search of a better life. It is somewhat loosely inspired by the director Amit Lahav’s grandmother. She was an immigrant from Yemen to Israel in order to escape the war, as well as the stories of his own cast with each member being an immigrant in some capacity whether they be immigrants themselves or the child or grandchild of an immigrant. I’ll try my best not to spoil it but at the end there is a beautiful moment where each of the cast members shares a snippet from their own personal stories and  it is incredibly touching. The piece is incredibly cantered around movement blurring the lines between dance and physical theatre however any spoken lines aren’t delivered in English in an attempt to mirror the experience of an immigrant who is surrounded by those who don’t speak their own language. It was an incredible experience and one that I certainly won’t forget any time soon especially as it discusses such a poignant and relevant topic in todays day and age, and despite being set decades ago is still so relevant and follows a storyline that so many people can connect with. The dance and physical theartre was incredible leaving the spectators in awe, there was some master puppetry and ensemble work.