With public exams just around the corner, people in Year 11 and Year 13 are starting their revision. The GCSE exams seem to be coming faster than ever with the first term almost gone in a flash; most schools are preparing to facilitate for their Year 11’s GCSE mock exams in which the students will have to go under a rigorous two-week exam period that will simulate their actual GCSE experience. As this group start to revise, they will most likely lose sight of other extremely important activities in their lives including exercise, hobbies, and spending time with family during the Christmas season. Due to all of this, at least a few of them will develop some mental health issues which can greatly impact their future.

As the pressure increases with every day passing, these students should keep in mind that their overall well-being should be prioritised over anything else. The NHS found that a staggering 23.3% of people within the ages of 17 to 19 already had mental health issues established. 

To avoid this outcome, the NHS recommends the following strategies:

  • A balanced diet:

Having a balanced diet is imperative for keeping healthy and can also keep you feeling well and ready during the exam period. If you happen to be a parent, involving your child in choosing the shopping list and encouraging them to choose some healthy snacks.

  • Getting a good night sleep:

      Good sleep improves thinking and concentration. Most teenagers will need              8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. Last minute revision the night before                    exams is a bad idea, using the time to pick up some extra hours of sleep                    has far greater benefits.

  • Try to be flexible:

As a parent in this period, try not to add any additional stress onto your child as it will only irritate them and will not help their revision in any way. Any little details can help your child with their mental health.

  • Exercise:

Going for a run or going to the gym after an exam is a very good way of relieving the anxiety after a few exams.

These are the basic precautions that need to be taken to stay healthy.

Additionally, making a revision plan for every week will help you keep from thinking about the next subject to revise, or if you have revised enough and need to take a short break. Make sure you break down each subject into parts, so you do not become overwhelmed by the workload you have in front of you.

Lastly, make sure that you ask for help when you need it.