The Tiffin Girls’ Medical Society, affectionately nicknamed ‘MedSoc’ by its attendees, celebrates another year of its existence, and ends the term with a record number of members. Run by a group of bright-minded sixth formers who hope to pursue a career in medicine, MedSoc assembles every Tuesday to discuss and teach its members all about the medical field. It welcomes girls from across the school, and aims to educate both those passionate in the subject as well as students harbouring a budding interest in what it means to be a doctor. To better reach its audience, the club is split into two, with one faction focusing on Years 7-9, and the other on the older students of the Society.


In Medical Society's most recent lunchtime session for the upper school, the meeting began with a series of simple quizzes on different specialisations in Medicine, during which the leaders discussed a recent study in Pulmonology regarding e-cigarettes and their ability to compromise the immune system. The purpose of this was to ease the students into the main topic of the day: Surgery. The presentation began with the basics, stating what surgery is as well as the difference between minimally invasive and open surgery before shifting to its different branches. The students learnt about many different forms of the craft, from orthopaedic surgery to neurosurgery, as well the risks that can often come hand in hand with such operations. The many breakthroughs in the field were also spoken of, including the first ever successful heart transplant using a pig's heart that took place last year. “It was so inspiring to hear about the amazing surgeries that can be performed in this day and age.” states Ishita Karve, a member of the Medical Society from Year 10.


As its numbers grow, the Tiffin Girls’ Medical Society hopes to further widen its sphere of influence and encourage even more young girls to grow an interest in the science of saving lives.