What is the one thing that everyone waits for all year round, its not Christmas, or New Years. Its Spotify Wrapped! With 574 million users on the platform, it is no doubt that everyone loves to check out their annual tunes.  And this year Spotify has created a range of displays for our new Spotify Wrapped 2023!


For anyone who doesn't know, Spotify Wrapped is a showcase of all your activity throughout the year. Its meant to show what you really enjoy and shows others what type of person you are and what your taste in music is like.


This year, Spotify Wrapped 2023 has been released just before New Years on November 29th with an extraordinary arrange of displays. Including some surprises that they haven't really shown before.


To start off with, throughout the entirety of the wrapped, your favourite music was playing in the background to add their own person touch. They started off the wrapped with your genres, showing what genres you listened to most and how much of the time you did!. Then it tells you how many songs you listen to, highlighting what they presumed to be your absolute favourite along with your top 5 favourite artists.


Spotify being the great platform they are who really do care for their viewers have produced personalised playlists with what they hope you find to be with your favourite songs (or soon to be favourites). They also allowed you to have a card which contained all the main info all in one page to share with your friends!


If you are yet to checked your Spotify wrapped for 2023, its not too late! Check it out and enjoy!