Recently, there has been a significant debate about the importance of including more abstract subjects in the school curriculum. One topic that has been at the centre of debate is art. However, experts argue that we should not only preserve art, but also prioritize its inclusion in education. Not only is it a powerful tool for expression and communication but learning it as a child can produce a multitude of positive effects. Some of these factors are becoming increasingly important in today's world, such as fostering creativity and enhancing productivity. With the rapidly approaching era of technology, having a knack for creativity will be invaluable in future life. Art teachers from prestigious grammar schools agree with this.

When asked about the importance of art, particularly in the 21st century, she stated that she has observed positive effects on students in general, but particularly on those who have been impacted by the pandemic. She went on to say that they have "missed the chance to socialize" and "express themselves". What is even more worrying is that she has seen children who "have never held a colouring pencil in their life." When mental health is becoming a significant aspect of our daily lives, this is appalling! Students are being denied the ability to express themselves in a positive way and are instead forced to pursue academic subjects that provide less value to a child's mental well-being.

She also mentioned that studying art has had a positive impact on students' discipline. She further stated that assisting students in discovering their true selves is an effective method to enhance their character. Art is not only valuable to the student who takes it, but also to the school that offers it. A place where students can have a creative outlet is invaluable for improving their behaviour and creating a safe working environment.

Appreciating art as an important subject, especially in a grammar school, is increasingly dependent on the parent rather than the child. In a world where art is seen as second-rate, it not only fosters a negative perception of expressing oneself, but also worsens behaviours in art classes and, in many cases, extends to the entire school.

The most valuable lesson we can learn from this is that expressing oneself is important. Especially for young people, it is vital that we create safe spaces for them to do this. Moreover, at such a young age, children develop habits that they carry on throughout their lives. Don't let those be negative.