As we approach the end of another year, people all around the world rejoice in many heartwarming celebrations: couples gathering to watch the breathtaking fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night; Mexican’s coming together to commemorate the Day of the Dead; and families across America uniting in gratitude over turkey and apple pie at Thanksgiving. However, for pupils at Surbiton High School, November brings a whole new world of excitement: it is time for another school musical!

Surbiton High School, an independent day school for girls found in Southwest London, is well-known for a range of factors including their academic excellence, musical talents and sporting successes. Although what really sets them apart is their brilliance and flair in Performing Arts!

Even though very different from last years lighthearted and fun performance of Legally Blonde, Oliver was remarkable. It was a phenomenal performance: the choreography was flawlessly executed for each number whilst students sang in glorious harmony.  No matter if you were a pick pocketer in Fagin’s gang or the Artful Dodger, the passion and talent of these young girls could be seen every moment they were on stage. 

One of the ensemble members Hannah Evans stated, “When I first heard the school musical was Oliver, I jumped at the chance to audition! I performed the musical when I was in Year 1 and it was so fun and reminiscent to be on stage again singing the same songs I did 10 years ago. Just in general, Surbiton High’s musical is always such a joyful and fulfilling experience. I can’t wait to see what we will bring to the stage next year!”

However, we cannot forget to acknowledge the hard-work and dedication that goes on behind the scenes. The show would have not been possible without the passionate and dedicated Drama Department, holding rehearsals week on week and spending many tedious hours creating set. Dressed all in black, the hands of the backstage crew must also be acknowledged: What would Fagin do without his many handkerchiefs? A final thanks should also be given to the exceptional band members; without them, the audience would not have been so immersed and engaged in the atmosphere of the performance.

As the curtain fell on the Saturday Night’s finale, applause could be heard from the auditorium to outside the the stage door. Families and friends of the fellow actors gathered awestruck by the sheer talent they had witnessed on stage. Audience member Madeleine Huffine, who came to watch her classmate in Year 11 concluded, “Honestly, after last year’s buzz around Legally Blonde, I wasn’t sure how anything could compare to that, but I wrong. The choreography, the acting and sing was all so professional; I would have believed you if you had said it was a drama school performing on the West End!”

We can’t wait to see what Surbiton High will bring to the stage next year. Rest assured they will ‘Be Back Soon.’