As we guide ourselves through a social media dominated era infested with transitory trends, the intimacy of genuine attachments remains fleeting. Despite the temptation of the digital landscape- nothing can truly replicate the excitement of live music paired with plant-based dishes and laughter. Venues such as ‘The Sound Lounge’ serve this excitement and acts as a substantial reminder for the distinctly human aspects of life. It acts as a beating heart for the local community where music lovers can come together to share their joint experiences. 

The English singer-songwriter Hannah White and her musician husband Keiron Marshall pioneered this establishment to be set up at Sutton High Street after its previous success at Tooting. Since then, it has become an unrivalled success and is now a flourishing, sought-after spot for many to enjoy an array of music genres.

The community impact it has imposed remains everlasting as it has allowed inspiring musicians such as guitarist Aanya Maheshwari (who has previously performed at their open mic night), to share their heartfelt enthusiasm for music. She states that the night allowed her to “build her confidence by facing an audience whilst also expressing creativity”. This demonstrates that ‘The Sound Lounge’ is not merely four walls with a stage but is instead a hub that promotes the power of music and meaningful connections. 

So, as you continue to consume music through the digital lens of the world, ensure to seek out wonders such as ‘The Sound Lounge’ where music lovers can converge and witness something special.