Don’t want to give trick-or-treaters candy this Halloween? Here are some alternatives you could consider:

Non-Candy Treats:

- Stickers: Kids often love colourful and themed stickers.

- Temporary Tattoos: These can be a hit with children of various ages.

- Glow Sticks: These can add a fun, spooky element to Halloween and provide safety by making kids more visible in the dark.

- Miniature Toys: Small toys like plastic spiders, bouncy balls, or figurines can be exciting surprises.

- Mini Puzzles or Brain Teasers: These can be both entertaining and educational.

Healthy Snacks:

- Miniature Fruit Packs: Small portions of apples, oranges, or grapes.

- Raisin Boxes: These are a healthier alternative to gummy candies.

- Snack-sized Bags of Popcorn: Choose low-salt or low-butter options.

- Granola Bars: Look for ones with minimal sugar content.

- Pretzel Packs: Individual bags of pretzels can be a savoury option.

Baked Goods:

- Homemade Cookies: Bake and individually wrap homemade cookies.

- Mini Muffins: Bake small, Halloween-themed muffins.

- Mini Pumpkin Bread Loaves: Make or buy small loaves of pumpkin bread.

- Fruit Bread or Bars: Offer treats like apple cinnamon bars.

Halloween-themed Toys:

- Mini Halloween Puzzles: Seasonal puzzles can provide entertainment.

- Halloween-themed Erasers: These are practical and fun.

- Spider Rings and Halloween Jewellery: Kids enjoy dressing up.

Hot Chocolate or Cider Packets:

Consider providing packets of hot chocolate, apple cider, or even a warm spiced tea mix for a cosy Halloween treat.

Books or Mini Colouring Books:

- Small Halloween-themed books or colouring books with crayons can be a delightful alternative to candy.

Craft Supplies:

Hand out small craft kits, such as DIY mask-making sets or Halloween-themed coloring pages with markers.

Sensory Items:

Offer items like small stress balls or squishy toys.

Healthy Beverages:

Bottled water, 100% fruit juice boxes, or organic fruit pouches can be refreshing options.

Charity Donations:

Consider giving children a small card or token indicating that a donation has been made to a specific charity on their behalf. This can teach kids about giving back.

Tea Bags or Coffee Packets:

For the adults or older trick-or-treaters, providing specialty tea bags or coffee packets can be a unique treat.

Seed Packets:

Provide packets of flower or herb seeds, encouraging children to plant and grow something.