Camden School for Girls bucked its own and national trends with more than two dozen pupils heading to Oxbridge.

The state school in Sandall Road, which takes boys in the sixth form, beat it pre-pandemic A-level scores.

Against a national backdrop of 9%, 18% of pupils secured an A*, compared to 15% in 2019.

The year group had no experience of exams, having not sat GCSEs due to the Covid pandemic.

Headteacher Kateryna Law said: "Despite the many challenges faced by this cohort of students; the impact of the pandemic during the crucial GCSE years, no formal examination practice and a return to pre-pandemic grading, our students have achieved a strong set of results, above our outcomes prior to the pandemic."

This Is Local London: Kateryna Law, centre with pupils and staff at Camden School for Girls Kateryna Law, centre with pupils and staff at Camden School for Girls (Image: CSG)

Those getting A* and As climbed from 47% in 2019 to 50%, high above the national average of 27%.

In total 79% got A* to B grades compared to 78% four years ago and far exceeding the 53% national average. 

Ms Law said 24 pupils had places confirmed at Oxford and Cambridge universities while other students were heading to art schools, music conservatoires, vocational courses, apprenticeships.

"We are incredibly proud of the achievements and progress made by every single CSG sixth former and wish everyone the very best in the next stage of their journey," she added.