Languages unlock numerous doors that lead to a world of opportunity in all aspects of life. Being able to speak more than one language is a skill that will take you very far down any path that you wish to venture.

If it weren’t for language, we wouldn’t be able to communicate with each other at all! As humans, we very much depend on each other: cooperation with one another enhances our ability to survive and ultimately enables us to endure our living situations. Language is the foundation of this dependency. It allows us to express our needs, feelings, desires and so much more. Without our advanced ability to communicate and connect through language, our world would be immensely different. Imagine not being able to talk to anyone, isolated in your own mind, moving through life without being able to describe what is happening – I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a world in which I would not like to live! That is why it is extremely important to break the barriers between us and build bridges wherever we can. Language not only provides a method of communication, but also an understanding of those around us: their culture, way of living…

Encouragement of language-learning also, in turn, encourages respect and appreciation for diversity which, in our ever-growing world, is becoming of increasing prominence. Knowing a language could build relationships that would’ve never have been possible without the knowledge you gain by learning a language.

Nelson Mandela famously stated: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

In the world of business, language is an exceedingly valuable and coveted skill to have. It means you will have the ability to work internationally, and it is this flexibility that can give you the edge over your prospective competitors when applying for a job. Although employers are able to teach someone a language, prior knowledge and understanding is much more profitable and therefore much more advantageous.

When I asked a language teacher why she thought learning languages is so important, she said: “It honestly keeps your brain young. By knowing multiple languages, your mind is constantly translating and thinking which really promotes brain health and honestly, it’s fun knowing more than one language!”

Studies have shown that bilinguals respond faster to monitoring demands, as well as spatial working memory tasks than monolinguals.

So go finally start that Duolingo that you’ve been meaning to do and introduce yourself to the exciting knowledge of language.