From Wednesday 19th April to Friday 21st April, a group of 33 year 12 students went on an excursion in the South Downs.

For their Duke of Edinburgh Silver, these students spent three days in the countryside hiking in the South Downs, in preparation for the actual expedition. Although this was only a practice run, they learnt teamwork skills, resilience and determination as they spent 5-7 hours on each of the days exploring the area.

They journeyed from the train station, to the campsite on the first day, on the second they explored the local area and on the final day they journeyed from the campsite to the train station. Of course for the average person this may seem fun, however the students had to carry hiking bags with them on each of the days. These bags had food, clothes sleeping bags and tents, which definitely tired the students out by the final day.

The students will return to a different area later on in the year to complete the official expedition.