Dogs, Cats, hamsters or rabbits, these furry creatures are certainly great in times of stress and anxiety. With exam season approaching, students need to find ways to lower and manage their stress levels.

Sometimes when you are sitting at your desk studying you need a break, a break from revising, a break from social media and a break from yourself. A pet is great way to diverge focus. Pets are good for your mental wellbeing as they help to decrease anxiety, according to the Mental Health Foundation.

For students struggling with following a routine or being productive, pets can boost productivity as you would have to follow a schedule so that the animal has enough food, water and outdoor time. Therefore a pet is great way to ensure that you are on time and schedule throughout your day.

Perhaps you can’t get a pet of your own. That's fine as you can visit a pet of another family member or friend. Or even visit your local farm or pet shop, as many allow for visitors to pet their animals. This will still help with stress and anxiety as petting an animal is good for relaxation.