On Friday 28th April, students at Surbiton High flocked to school in multicultural mufti- sporting flags, traditional cultural clothing and face paint. In a celebration of the vibrant diversity within the community, they were invited to take part in a range of events and learn more about their peers and teachers.


The turnout was excellent: with students reporting delight in both having the chance to represent their cultural background at school and discuss and learn about the traditions of their friends. 


A year 11 pupil, Eisha Hussain explained, “I’m wearing a traditional Pakistani outfit called shalwar kameez and wearing it at school has given me an opportunity to share my culture. Having culture day allows me to see so many more cultures as well and I think days like this should be more common.”


The excitement on Friday was compounded by music in the quad at lunchtime, including by West-End featured singer Anush Hydros, who has appeared on Britain’s Got Talent, Michael McIntyre’s Big Show and played Michael Jackson in ‘Motown the Musical.’


In the run up to exams, having a break from studying and a chance to celebrate the school community has proved a well-deserved rest for many pupils. Culture Day at Surbiton was a triumph this year and there has already been talk of excitement for next year’s celebration.