If you are a fan of Harry Potter, then perhaps the Gloucester Cathedral may seem familiar to you. 

This beautiful structure is situated in Gloucestershire, England. It is formally the Cathedral Church of St Peter and the Holy and indivisible Trinity. 

This very cathedral is one of Britains greatest and richest buildings in history. It embodies over 1,300 whopping years of Christian faith and heritage!

Over the years, this cathedral has developed into a centre of immense tourism, having people visit from all around the world. 

Now back to how this links to the wizarding world, due to the years of history endured through this cathedral , a new era emerged which took fascination into the aesthetics of the cathedral. Several Tv shows have been filmed at the Gloucester Cathedral including the Harry Potter franchise. 

Scenes from the Philosophers stone, Chamber of Secrets and the Half Blood Prince were all filmed at the Gloucester cathedral and so many have come forward to say how they feel the strong Harry Potter spirit when entering the cathedral. 

A few famous Harry Potter Scenes shot in Gloucester Cathedral include

. The door to Gryffindors common room (Philosophers Stone)

. When the writing "The Chamber of Secrets has opened. Enemies of the heir beware" appears in blood on the wall (Chamber of Secrets)

. Where Moaning Myrtle floods the corridor from the girls bathroom (Chamber of Secrets)


Here, you can see how much of this Cathedral has been used for the famous franchise. Quite a lot of people arrive at the destination not only to experience the Harry Potter Vibe but to also witness the utter beauty of the building

"it was a beautiful sight" says Wania Sajid. 

So, if you're a massive potter head and are looking for new places to visit, the Gloucester Cathedral should surely be on the top of your list!