On Thursday, a group of our students ventured to the extraordinary city of Berlin. Our amazing guide Peter instantly began the tour with some wisdom. "Wherever you are in Berlin, History taps you on the shoulder."

Before encountering the historic sights of the city we stopped by the famous Berlin Mall for lunch. Then the day started off with visiting the site of the Fuhrerbunker, the holocaust memorial, soviet war memorial, the Reichstag and then a few other spots of berlin. We ended the day at the beautiful chocolate shop, Rausch, where many of us made purchases. Overall, day one was an awesome start to our trip filled with lots of information and incredible historic sites.

On friday, the group headed to visit a male prison followed by Sachenhousen concentration camp. While walking around we all felt the aura of the past and listened to Peter's fascinating stories. After lunch, the next destination was the Olympic stadium which was a favourite amongst the group. Walking in the corridors and rooms where artists, athletes and celebrities have been was a huge honour as well as learning about the 1936 Olympics which took place there. After visiting the builidng of the Wansee Conference the group made its way back to the hostel. Day 2 was less full than day 1 but was still impactful and left all in awe.

Saturday was the last day but definitely full of fascinating visits. First up was the jewish quarter where we saw a heartwrenching memorial and a beautiful synagogue along with lots of buildings which once housed many Jews. The group then split into two and one half went to visit the Berlin Wall memorial learning all about those who tried to cross it and the other went to see an underground bunker from the cold war. Then we switched and after met back at the meeting point. From there our last stop was the airport where we left Germany and arrived back to England.

The Berlin History trip was a huge success and was a fun 3 days of history, siteseeing and of course eating, because who doesn't love that.