A man was found dead on the railway near Upminster station and police are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

The man's body was discovered on the tracks by officers after they were called to reports of a casualty at 11.41 pm on February 7.

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He was wearing a grey hooded top, grey t-shirt, light coloured jeans, black socks and no shoes at the time, British Transport Police (BTP) said.

Officers are not treating the incident as suspicious, a spokesperson added.

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But BTP have appealed for witnesses to come forward with any details.

The spokesperson said: "Investigators are keen to speak to anyone who was at the station or in the area around the time of the incident as they may have information which could assist their investigation."

They can be contacted by texting 61016 or calling on 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference 531 of 7 February.