The Conservative Group on Dartford Borough Council today (February 21) showed their support for the County Council’s efforts to block Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) signage.

It comes as the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan announced that the ULEZ would be expanding in August to cover all of Greater London and charging drivers £12.50 a day to drive in the zone.

Now, in a letter to Kent County Council (KCC) leader Cllr Roger Gough and Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Cllr David Brazier of the Dartford group has said they are welcoming KCC’s robust approach to the Mayors ULEZ expansion.

This has seen them join alongside Surrey County Council and fellow London councils including Bromley and Bexley who are preventing Khan from placing signs and cameras on land it controls.

Dartford Council oppose ULEZ expansion 

In the letter, councillors wrote: “The decision to implement this ULEZ policy does not have the support of residents here in Dartford.

“The Dartford Conservatives own petition on has achieved over 30,000 signatures.”

The group also shared that they see the ULEZ as a “tax grab” on local residents, writing that it is “imposing unjustifiable costs on ordinary households.”

READ MORE: What is the ULEZ and why is it expanding in 2023?

READ MORE: Will I have to pay to drive in London's ULEZ?

Ending the letter, the group wrote that they understand KCC plans to potentially prevent the ULEZ signage on the London, Kent border writing: “We wish to state that you would have our full support in such a decision and it would be welcomed by the residents of Dartford.”

The letter was organised by Cllr Kyle Stealey, who represents the Maypole & Leyton Cross ward which borders Bexley on the ULEZ.

This Is Local London: Map of the ULEZ, with the green area showing the expansion Map of the ULEZ, with the green area showing the expansion (Image: TfL)

Speaking of the expansion, Cllr Stealey said: “As someone who represents a ward on the border ULEZ is a big concern for my residents. People are unhappy about a £12.50 a day charge to simply go up the road.  

“Even Sadiq Khan knows that the compliance is already increasing and there’s a very real fear that he will keep changing the rules of the scheme to keep the money flowing from the cash cow he has created.”

Leader of Group and Council Leader, Jeremy Kite described the ULEZ as “cruel” and “unfair”, saying: “It’s a cruel and unfair tax on people who don’t have the benefit of being able to chop and change vehicles at will just because Sadiq Khan tells them what they must drive.

“Sadiq Khan is convoyed around town and probably doesn’t know what it’s like to need to save for a new vehicle.  The money that many ordinary hard-working residents could put towards a new greener vehicle is now being snatched by the London Mayor’s charges.”