I recently had the pleasure of taking part in the St Johns Community Christmas Lunch. It was a real gift being able to talk to the elderly ladies and gentlemen who attended and I found myself walking away from the experience with a changed perspective. Having been able to talk to some beautiful souls for a couple hours was the best way I could have thought to spend my evening and I will not hesitate to sign up for the next one.

Students volunteer to participate in serving out food and drink to the elderly who have chosen to attend and sit with them while dining on a fabulously prepared meal of roasted potatoes and turkey lovingly cooked by the St Johns kitchen staff. While that night could not have been possible without many people, an especially big thanks must go out to those who cooked and prepped the meal as it literally could not have been done without them.

I found the insight gained from conversing with someone with such a huge age gap incredibly rewarding and beneficial. Some bits I picked up on were the struggles the elderly had to go through on a daily basis and I truly felt sympathy towards them and realized I was an incredibly lucky individual (and this was only one of the many things I was feeling).

For those in the future that are not quite sure if they should go to these kinds of events, I implore you to. It is such a wonderful experience shared by such vastly different people and because of that, it cannot be replaced by anything else.