Marxism is a perspective that indulges into social transformation and how class conflict has impacted our society. Marxism emerged from two German philosophers in the 19th century called Karl Marx and Friendrich Engels. This materialist interpretation of historical rise has had a global impact on many fields such as sociology.


Karl Marx believed that proletariats are unaware of the exploitation they go through due to false class consciousness. The idea that we are blinded by the inequality surrounding us, however, he believes that eventually the proletariats will become class conscious and form a revolution in which society is free from the constraints of capitalism.The revolution includes the displacement of all social intuitions that contribute to a capitalist society, these are: religion, the media and the education system which collectively stimulate the idea that inequality is inevitable and fair. Do you think a revolution will occur?, or wil society forever be under the control of the minority that owns the means of production(the bourgeoisie).


Is a revolution really possible? Or is it just wishful thinking?. Other marxists such as Althusser claim that there are two key concepts which further advance the power of the bourgeoisie. One of them being the repressive state apparatus, preserving the rule of the bourgeoisie through force, thus including the police, courts, army and many more. Physical coercion is used to sustain their power. The other concept is the ideological state apparatus which includes controlling people's ideas, values and beliefs through the administration of religion, media and the education system. The main question that concerns me is how will a revolution occur when the reproduction and legitimation of inequality is being transmitted through each generation?.


The persuasion given to proletariats that deserve their subordinate position in society has led to the lack of threat to capitalism. With the boundless support capitalism bears, is the  possibility of collapse within reach?