Some websites that may be used are Morrisby and Unifrog. Morrisby is a website that have quizzes to find out the things that you like and how they can be transferred into a job and what subject would have the best outcome if taken for A-levels. The website also has sections that tell you what kind of jobs you would be able to do and enjoy. This page has information about what jobs you would be able to do, the salary and what a-levels and university courses would have to be taken to achieve it. 

Unifrog also has a feature like this, whilst also having a test that tells you what your MBTI personality type and how this may affect what jobs you will be able to perform and succeed in and how certain strengths and weakness for different work fields. Unifrog also has a personal statement page for students to fill out with guidance , examples and steps to help with stress and how much time it would take to complete this without this helpful template.

Morrisby also allows interviews between students and career advisors which can help students navigate the work market and help teenagers who have to start thinking about the future but don't know where to start or even students who do but want to know the best way to achieve it and if it was suitable for them. It can also help said students understand the job market and its importance in everyday living. So overall I believe that schools all over the country should allow these to their students because it improves their knowledge about the world and themselves.