The Heathside School Christmas Concert By Claudia Napp- Heathside School On the evening of the 8th of December, Heathside School held their annual Christmas concert in St James’s Church, Weybridge. This is a greatly anticipated event for the school and one that students, parents and teachers alike attend to celebrate the musical talents of the students.

This was my first time attending the concert in three years, and I must admit I very much enjoyed the wholesome atmosphere that filled the Church. The Church itself had been festively festooned with Christmas decorations, and the students were clad in merry headgear and costumes. I could already sense that this was going to be a night to remember.

We took our seats, and the performances began, which ranged from singing to handbells, and everywhere in between. The talented students of Heathside did an excellent job of creating a festive vibe with a variety of instruments and Christmas songs. The amount of effort put into the concert was very apparent, and this effort was very much reflected in the success of the concert.

The audience sung hymns in unison and as we did so, a feeling of community filled the room. The spirit of Christmas was captured perfectly not just during these hymns but throughout the whole concert, and I think everyone who attended would agree this was the boost we needed to give us that festive feeling as the dull lull of November still loomed over us all in the early days of December.

Mark, a parent of one the young musicians, found the concert to be very nostalgic: ‘I was very impressed by the talents of the students. I wish I had been that musically able at their age’ he said wistfully, ‘it’s an excellent skill to have. It reminded me of my own school concerts, and I loved joining in with the hymn singing during the concert- I was a good choir singer back in the day, it took me right back!’ So, the concert was a huge success, all thanks to the students and teachers of Heathside school. It allowed a connection across generations to occur, with the shared experience of the timeless school Christmas concert.