The industrial revolution undoubtably changed the course of human history in one of the most world changing peroids of time ever. Largely tied to capitalism, criticism has been making rounds lately over social media, and many , especially youth people are beginning to discuss whether the industrial revolution and its consquences were disasterous for mankind.

The industrial revolution was a time of major change. Industry was made dozens of times more efficient by machinery and new mass production techniques. New steam powered engienes entered the mainstream and giant smokey towers were built high into the sky all across the country. Britain was the forerunner of these developments, central in the birth of a new age. This gave it the money and strength to fund its empire, which would eventually grow to encompass around a quarter of the globe.

Overall, production flourished, new techniques rapidly spread and the elites of society lined their pockets with more money than they could have dreamed of. Individuals such as John Jacob Aster, widely regarded as the world's first millionaire and someone whose lifespan lined up with the industrial revolution almost perfectly, profited immensely.

However, it wasn't just a time of innovation and fortunes. For the millions who worked in factories, their intense manual labour was gruelling and dangerous. Impoverished children were forced into labour, and it was common for people to work 16 hour days. A huge chunk of the population lived in squalor, and survival rates to adulthood were slim. Diseases like smallpox, typhus, and tuberculosis were rampant across London's streets, taking lives from the poorest of poor to the highest aristocrats.

Many people see it as the birthplace of modern capitalism. I hate to be cliche, but the age old phrase "the rich get richer" fit the system almost exactly to the bill. Although the wealthy thrived, the poor suffered in workhouses, factories and prisons. People came in droves to the city from the countryside, looking for work, only to be trapped in a torturous job with a pittance as a wage.

The repocussions of the industrial revolution can still be seen today. From the production methods and practices shaping our modern factories to the structure of our economy itself. Despite its benefits and innovation, one can't help but wonder about whether its good outweights its harm. In many ways, the poverty trap and cruelty to cheap labourers can still be seen today across the globe. You can still find the echoes of its deeds to this day.

Thanks for reading!