The world is plagued with a wide variety of addictions, from drugs to shopping. However, there is one addiction that is seldom mentioned but oddly widespread: an addiction to social media.

Among all age groups, notably teens and adults, there has been an increase in social media consumption in recent years. Social media has ingrained itself into everyone's lives, including mine. People frequently begin their days by checking Instagram or Snapchat, but some have deviated far from the basic morning routine of checking your phone.


Social media addicts spend more than 12 hours per day scrolling through influencers posts. As a result of continuously being in the company of people who have ideal lives and physique, this distorts people's perceptions of reality. It leads to physical insecurities, which are frequently the starting point for many mental health conditions like anorexia and body dysmorphia. Social media users also experience ongoing dissatisfaction with their lives and bodies as a result of this. People feel underachievement as a result of celebrities' "flawless" lives. Rising depression rates are a result of this persistent sense of unfulfillment and comparison to romanticized lives.


Furthermore, individuals routinely struggle to balance their daily lives with the constant craving of social media since corporations intentionally design social media to be addictive. Additionally, users experience sleep deprivation because of the blue light that phones emit, which makes your brain feel restless. Thus, the likelihood of insomnia among social media users has increased.