Every four years the football tournament organised by FIFA, known as the World Cup, is hosted in various locations across the globe. Previously hosted in countries such as Russia, Brazil and South Africa, the 2022 World Cup has raised scepticism for FIFA from football fans throughout the world. This scepticism has risen due to the choice of host this year being Qatar, and all the social issues and inequalities prevalent in this country.

Located In West Asia, the nation of Qatar is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which is an organisation comprising of many neighbouring nations to Qatar, and it strives to achieve unity within its members. Unfortunately, there are many social issues illustrated in those members of the GCC, regarding homosexuality, and women’s rights. In Qatar, homosexuality is banned and punishable by prison, which is an incredibly threatening concept for LGBTQ football fans across the globe. On top of this, conditions for migrant workers have been poor in Qatar, and this has worsened since the announcement that Qatar would be hosting the World Cup. Since 2010, 6,500 migrant workers have tragically died due to the inadequate working conditions. Therefore, scepticism has risen regarding Qatar, due to these numerous social issues present in their society, which still remain today.

However, this scepticism has not risen solely from the choice in Qatar as the host for the 2022 World Cup. Corruption Scandals regarding FIFA have also been brought to light simultaneously with the tournament. The Bribery of high-ranking FIFA officials in exchange for votes to host the tournament was uncovered in 2015 when a hotel in Zurich was raided in suspicion of criminal activity. FIFA officials have also faced scandal in the vote for the host of this World Cup. 15 out of 22 committee members who voted have since faced criminal charges for accepting bribes in favour of Qatar. Therefore, the question that should be asked is why the Qatar World Cup has still gone ahead?