Churchfield Sewage


A walk to school on a cold November morning, with the ground sopping wet from torrential rain, is hardly an enjoyable experience. However, the slog was exacerbated when the ground was covered in something other than merely rain water- the pathway was smeared with none other than sewage.


Thames water were called upon this moth to clear up the mess that was covering the pathway of many people’s morning walk and school journey. Not only was the sewage a hazard to our shoes and the bottom of our trousers, but it also caused a pungent stench which certainly caused a buzz at 8:15am in the morning.


One student at Hearthside School said ‘It’s [the sewage] not really something you want to see on a Monday morning your way to school- and it smells disgusting!’


A local walking their dog stated ‘I had to give my dog a bath when we got home- it was a nightmare!’


As you can see, this sewage flood was a bit of a nuisance for Weybridge locals.


Thankfully, the brilliant ‘Thames Water’ managed to clean up the sludge within a few days. The path is now clean and back to its usual state.