It’s not even December yet, why does it feel like Christmas is already here? Is everyone equally in this deception? Why has it rushed?


You may have noticed a particular drive in all things Christmas this year. Major retail brands released their Christmas adverts early November therefore already launching the Christmas market a whole month before the big day. Even more crazy is Heart Radio airing their exclusively Christmas station in late September! Does this not all seem a bit much?


Many suggest that the reason for such obsession is in order to distract from the uncertainty of the current climate. People are looking for an escape and have found it in the joy and familiarity that Christmas brings. But the struggle is very real as according to ChronicleLive, a fifth of UK households are considering cancelling Christmas celebrations altogether and 75% of shoppers, according to a survey, stated that they will be consciously buying cheaper presents this year as the ‘cost of living crisis’ takes a dramatic toll. The retailers are adopting sale after sale to try and account to this and labelling them ‘Seasonal Sale’ or ‘Christmas Clearance’, but overall, everyone’s affected and stressed.


Another big cause of such Christmas excitement is Tiktok. Due to its obsessive, trendy nature, it has already become hugely relevant through the Christmas ‘sounds’ accompanying various videos and a current trend in ‘Christmas wish list’ which currently has 697.7 million views on its tag.


Typically, the ‘Christmas season’ begins around December as Advent sets in, which this year is the 27thNovember. At this time, according to tradition, Christmas trees and decorations should be going up, rather than, in some cases, months in advance! Therefore, does it seem ridiculous to be even thinking of Christmas outside of this time frame?


Of course, everyone’s entitled to their own process when it comes to Christmas, and this year with all that’s happening, it does make sense that this might become a security blanket for many across the UK. After that, however, the question arises, what the next distraction will be, or if it will just be time to face the madness.