Visit My Mosque Day is an initiative introduced by the MCB(Muslim Council of Britain) as a way for mosques around the country to open their doors in welcome of 'neighbours of all faiths and none and build bridges across communities' - MCB website. This is an event that takes place at 250+ mosques across UK and has been going on for decades. 

For the first time in two years, Tooting Islamic Centre(my local mosque) was able to host this event for the community to come and see what the moswue entails and to learn more about the religion of Islam. As a Muslim, I saw it as my duty to volunteer to such a great cause. My role in this event was to help set up the information leaflets, the exhibition and the refreshments available. I was also involved in the outreach where I stood on Tooting High Street inviting the community in.

There was great anticipation on the 23rd October at 12pm as Imam Khubaeb Raja stepped up to talk about Islam and the meaning of Islam as a religion but also as a way of life. We also were in the presence of the mayor of Wandsorth - Jeremy Ambache and the MP for Tooting - Rosena Allin-Khan.