On 27th October, an unprovoked attack occured on the famous London Underground station of Baker Street. The individuals involved will remain anoynymous for the sake of their privacy and safety. 

At around 2pm on Thursday afternoon, Baker Street station worker Josh (name altered for privacy) was doing his platform duties on platform 3 of the Metropolitan line heading eastbound, helping customers go along their way as a Customer Service Assistant. However, whilst helping a customer find their destination, another man had approached Josh so that he can help the man instead. Due to the man interrupting Josh and interferring with helping a customer, he had told the man to wait until he had finished with them.

Unfortunately, the man didn't like that, and in a malicious attempt launched himself at Josh, trying to push him onto the live, eletrically charged tracks. To make matters worse, a train was approaching the platform, and both men were standing not far from the platform edge. 

Thanks to Josh's muscular build, he was able to withstand the forceful push and was able to remain unharmed. As for the man who tried taking Josh's life, he was pinned down to the floor as an act of self defence while TSE officers came to take over. It didn't take long for them to arrive since they are always on standby, as well as the BTP who took over in the end. 

The man is being prosecuted for attempted murder; no charges have been put in place as of now, and although Josh was left unharmed, he has taken away a constant fear of being pushed onto the tracks whilst doing his job. As this is still an ongoing case, no further information has been disclosed, yet justice was served for the London Underground worker.  

An eyewitness on the scene said "It is so sad that someone who's just there to do their job gets assaulted for no reason." 

Prior to this, on the same day, another man attempted to push someone on the tracks at Baker Street, but failed and managed to get away on a train heading to Finchley Road, where he got off and pushed another unlucky Londoner on the tracks, only this time succeeding. He escaped, and hasn't been found yet... now here's a case for Sherlock.