London is a renowned cultural hub with an abundance of diverse food, cultures, and customs; it is no surprise that England’s national dish is ‘Chicken tikka masala.’ The recent election of Rishi Sunak as England’s prime minister (the first UK prime minister of colour) further demonstrates the country’s acceptance towards ethnic minorities. This has allowed England to benefit financially and socially from multicultural celebrations such as Diwali and Notting Hill Carnival. 

The 2011 UK census revealed that of the 7.5 million foreign-born residents living in England and Wales, one-third identified as ethnic minority. This has affected London communities tremendously: from providing jobs for the population to providing an appetising Friday night dinner. Therefore, it is not an overstatement to say that London is the capital of diversity. 

Although London is bountiful of divergent cultures, some groups believe that the extensive variety of cultures in England has started to erase authentic British values. This traditional thinking sometimes leads to acts of racism. To address this matter and eradicate it, the British government implemented the ‘Inclusive Britain strategy.’ Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Community said, “The Inclusive Britain Action Plan is fundamental to our ambitions, helping us tackle the root-causes of racial disparities and ensure equality of opportunity for all.” This strategy not only reflects the government’s appreciation for England’s multicultural communities, but also expresses the support and protection they are willing to provide to maintain these communities.  

Apart from cultures, London also embraces a range of religions and foods. Most places include different forms of worship places like mosques, churches, and synagogues, which are occupied every week by residents within the community. Moreover, all boroughs in London include at least one cultural food store, which is popular amongst those who are not from the same community. 

Multiculturalism has proven itself to be permanent and impactful as it is an aspect that has subconsciously been imbedded into society. Without it, London’s economy, attitude, and tourist attractions would not be as desired by the rest of the world. As a city, the London population should be proud to be living in such an admirable place.