On the 3rd of November, City of London Freemen’s School had their Fireworks night, where students and parents of the school, along with the teachers, enjoyed a fun evening with fireworks as its grand finale.


The fireworks night was organised by the parents committee of the school, who had put lots of effort into not only planning the event and the procedure, but also made sure it was fun for everyone.


Not only did the fireworks night include fireworks, but it also included fabulous catering from the school provider, snacks to buy and light up headbands for everyone to wear. All the money made from the snacks and headbands will go straight into the school funds, which would be used for the student and will only benefit the students in the future.


To this matter, I interviewed the headmaster about the differences of this year’s fireworks night compared to last year’s. According to him, the only new segment was that there were now music accompanying to the fireworks, which only enhanced the experience and had everyone singing along to famous soundtracks like Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Carribbean, Star Wars and much more!


“It is a very important event for the school calendar,” said the headmaster, Mr. Martin, as he continued to explain how the “donations go back to the students” to “fund events” the students wish to host.