Black History Month owes its roots to two passionate individuals, historian Carter G. Woodson and minister Jesse E. Moorland who in 1915, founded what was then known as the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History or the ASNLH. Now known as Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), it grew in size and eventually managed to launch National Negro Week. They chose the 2nd week in February 1926 for the first celebration of this event, to coincide with Abraham Lincoln’s birthday as a tribute to a man who passionately campaigned against slavery. By the 1960s, due to the growing civil rights movement and a new desire amongst many African Americans to learn about their roots and their history, it became known on many university campuses as Black History Month. Since Gerald Ford first acknowledged it as a celebration in February 1976, every US has officially designated February as Black History Month. It was first celebrated in the UK in October 1987, on the 150th anniversary of emancipation in the former British colonies of the Caribbean, and was launched largely due to the concerted efforts of the ghanian analyst Akyaaba Addai-Sebo who worked for the Greater London Council as the coordinator of special projects. This means that the centuries-long influence of people from African and Caribbean backgrounds is finally being embraced and explored across the UK.

The Tiffin Girls School enters fully into this celebration every year, with a true exploration of the different Black British Cultures and histories. This year was no different. A display was created in the school foyer of objects in the Getty Archive of Black Culture, a poetry competition was held encouraging students to research forgotten figures and write poems about them and the winning entries were displayed in the foyer.  Food celebrating Black heritage was served in the canteen all week and a daily newsletter with recipes, recommendations and links was sent out to all students.

The English department also organised lessons on literature by Black authors, in particular poetry on the Black experiences. The school also ran lunchtime screenings of tv shows and movies that explore Black culture, have Black protagonists and delve into issues faced by Black people in society. All of this is part of a concerted effort by the school to celebrate Black culture and Black history and to encourage any and all Black students at the school to feel comfortable in their skin and in touch with their culture and history, while also encouraging awareness about diversity and different cultures within the wider school community.