At 132 years old, Epsom and Ewell Harriers stands in Ewell Court, making it the oldest running club in Surrey. It’s openness to mixed abilities and all ages has helped make it the success story it is today. Producing athletes such as Rosie Clarke, a previous Great Britain Steeplechaser, alongside helping athletes who purely want to enjoy taking up a new sport. Competing in many leagues, it provides opportunities for all.

Personally, I began my time at Epsom and Ewell at the early age of 10, during Year 5. This led me to a love for the sport that I may not have so easily picked up at a later age. Training groups are provided from Year 5, all the way up to a range of groups for adults. Epsom and Ewell compete in a vet league for 40+ members, allowing for everyone to get engaged and stay active. This is highlighted by their website through “The club caters for track & field athletes of all ages”.

As mentioned, the club has seen some huge success stories. Rosie Clarke, a previous Great Britain steeplechase athlete was once a member at the club. This success displays the doors opened for members. Rosie Clarke has recently returned to the Epsom and Ewell track to see current members and offer her expertise. Another great success story of the club is Di Norman who is currently a coach at the track. Once described as “the masters gold medal machine” by Athletics Weekly, Di is notorious for her recurrent successes. Being the holder of the W40 outdoor heptathlon record and many other titles.

Success stories are also seen on smaller scales. Henry Smith, an Epsom and Ewell Harriers member, commented that “since I started 7 years ago, I’ve gone from being purely a club runner to running for Surrey as well as my university”. Recently, Henry visited the Pyrenees for altitude training, showing the experiences the club has led him to.

Our club not only provides competitive success, but also benefits to mental and physical health. Personally, I have built strong connections with members and coaches alike. Epsom and Ewell Harriers give its members an outlet where they can destress, gain a feeling of self-success and learn new skills. Henry Smith, an Epsom and Ewell Harriers member commented that it gives him a “sense of belonging”.

Running is most certainly a sport for everyone, with little equipment and time needed it is easily accessible. Through lockdown, I continued my running as allowed which provided an outlet for me that I wouldn’t have found without the club. Providing opportunities to train in a variety of field events and many different running distances is what makes the club so versatile.

I can say confidently that without this club, my interest and love for running would never have blossomed into what it is today, I have the club and the coaches to thank for that. Epsom and Ewell Harriers truly are a success story on many different levels, and I have no doubt that it will continue to be so.