You've done the hard work and you're ready to get your revision done. But how can you make sure that you get the most out of your study time? In this guide, I'll cover five tips for effective revision.

1. ) Plan your revision

Before you get started, it may be useful to make a plan. Think about what areas of the syllabus you want to revise and how much time you have – don’t forget that breaks are important too! If you’re having trouble with a particular topic, ask your teacher for help. They may be able to give you some pointers on where to start and what resources will be most useful.

Be sure to make time for revision, as it’s often the most important step. You can do this by scheduling some time into your calendar and taking care not to book other appointments during these times. If you need help with planning or scheduling your revision time, the best guide to follow is by writing down all the topics you need to revise then break them into smaller chunks. What I find useful is attaching resource references to each topic you’re revising, like a worksheet to do. Sometimes is best to do, rather than just sit and copy out your notes.

2.) Don't get distracted whilst studying

It’s easy to get distracted by social media, phone calls and other things when you’re studying. Try turning off all devices and putting them out of sight so that you don’t see the notifications pop up on your screen. If you need to use your phone, then use an app like SelfControl (for Mac) or Freedom (for Windows). These apps will block all internet access for a period of time that you set. You can also use a program like FocusMe which allows you to block certain websites for as little or as long as needed for your revision session.

3.) Find your perfect place 

Having a clear space where all the materials needed are easily accessible makes it easier to remember what needs doing next without having multiple pieces of paper lying around everywhere! Use colour coding, sticky notes and whatever else works best for you so that there is no confusion about what needs doing next.

4.) Try the Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that breaks up your work into intervals. You work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. Once you’ve done this four times, you can take an additional 15-30 minute break. The idea is to focus on one task at a time and avoid distractions or multitasking, which can lead to procrastination and stress. I recommend:

5.) Get a good night’s sleep

A good night's sleep is essential for effective revision. There are a few things you can do to make sure you get enough sleep:

  • Try to go to bed at a consistent time every night. For example, if you need eight hours of sleep every night, it's best not to stay up late on weekends or holidays (or on weekdays if it's a day off). If you have classes in the morning, try going to bed early so that your body can adjust quickly when school starts again.
  • Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet so that it's easier for you to fall asleep. You should also try listening to relaxing music or doing something calming before bedtime (like reading). Avoid using electronics right before going to sleep since they're known disruptors of restful slumber.
  • Don't nap during the day unless absolutely necessary! If possible, avoid any naps during the afternoon or evening because they'll interfere with nighttime sleep cycles and could cause problems later on in the night.

Go at your own pace

Remember that with enough practice and consistency in how you study, the more you'll find it easier to implement these techniques in your own studying. Thought of anything else? Drop down in the comments below some more tips that you find effective for studying.