Between the 24th- 25th of November 2022, Tolworth Girls School and Soughborough High School are performing a production of ‘The School of Rock’. This is a musical about a struggling musician, who gets kicked out of a band and disguises as a substitute teacher, who teaches his talented students about music. They then go on and form a band, to try and win a music competition called Battle of the Bands.

A girl involved in the musical at Tolworth, says that

“I like ‘The School of Rock’ because it’s funny and tell students that no matter what/who they are, they still have something that can be turned into success, as shown in the Battle of the Bands.” The girl who has the role of Summer Hathaway (one of the main characters) said she wanted the role because “She’s a character I resonate with and she sends the message that academics isn’t the only important thing in life and you can find other things that are fun and enjoyable.”

 As well as a musical, ‘School of Rock’ is a comedy movie that you can watch on Amazon Prime and Netflix.