House prices in Sutton have gone up by an average of over £900 in the month of July, according to figures from the Land Registry.

The latest data from the government department reveals that in July 2022 average house prices in Sutton reached £438,488.

This was up from £437,538 in June, representing a 0.2 per cent increase. In the last 12 months it has risen by 9.1 per cent.

If you are interested in buying or renting a home, you can see the latest properties in and around Sutton here.

How much have house prices increased in Sutton?

Breaking it down for specific types of housing, some prices saw a fall despite the general increase.

  • Detached houses - Up to £1,050,389 from £1,048,909 in June
  • Semi-detached houses - Up to £637,176 from £634,687 in June
  • Terraced houses - Up to £444,702 from £443,004 in June
  • Flats - Down to £291,410 from £291,598 in June

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How do Sutton house prices compare to the UK average?

Even when comparing Sutton to the picture across the UK, the area is well above the UK average with a typical property value in the nations reaching £292,118 in July.

In cash terms, the average house price in July was £39,157 higher than a year earlier with house price growth accelerating to 15.5 per cent in July 2022.  Prices were up by 2.0 per cent month on month.

How much could your house be worth?

We have created this map for the London so you can see the average house price in each neighbourhood since 1995.

Sites like Zoopla can offer an estimate valuation of your house if you input your postcode into their website here.

The above map can demonstrate which areas of Sutton are the most expensive for average house prices.