A Samaritans worker in Orpington will be representing England in the final of Miss Voluptuous UK.

Kimberly Bateman, 52, lost her mother to suicide when she was 16 years old and then suffered with her own mental health.

The mum of four also struggles with fibromyalgia and ME, life-long conditions causing pain all over the body, and has recently undergone weight loss surgery to improve her health.

Kimberly wants to prove that nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams by taking part in Miss Voluptuous – an international plus-sized beauty pageant focused around charity work as well as glamour.

This Is Local London: Kimberly will be competing in the Miss Voluptuous UK finalKimberly will be competing in the Miss Voluptuous UK final

Kimberly said: “I had no confidence – the pageant made me realise I’m worth more than what I’d been told I’m worth.

“It made me believe in myself and empowered me.

“It doesn’t matter what size you are, you’re still beautiful.”

Kimberly reached the final of Miss Voluptuous UK in 2019 and has re-entered this year because she enjoyed it so much and said she needed something to uplift her again.

She added: “Everyone really struggled with their mental health in the pandemic.

“The pageant makes me feel part of a sisterhood.

“It showed me that you don’t have to suffer in silence – now I want to tell that to other people.”

The pageant includes a round where contestants must make their own outfit and Kimberly is making one about the pandemic, to show her support for the NHS staff and get people talking about their mental health during lockdown.

Miss Voluptuous UK also involves contestants raising awareness for a meaningful cause or idea.

Kimberly has already taken part in Race For Life to raise money for Cancer Research, and held an online photo competition to raise money for the Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

The grandmother of eight will also be cycling 50 miles on an exercise bike for the Samaritans and taking part in a calendar shoot to raise awareness for invisible illnesses.

The pageant takes place in Grantham on July 16 and if Kimberly wins, she will make it to the international final in Pittsburgh, USA.

You can vote for Kimberly to win the pageant’s people’s choice award here.

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