Many of us will be wanting to help ourselves and the planet but some may still be on the fence so here are some reasons to be a vegeratarian


Cancer prevention.

Regularly consuming a diet that contains fruits and vegetables is strongly associated with a reduced risk of some cancers. There is evidence that vegetarians tend to have a lower overall rate of cancer compared to the general population. “Red meat and processed meat consumption is consistently associated with an increase in the risk of colorectal cancer.” Reducing your risk of cancer is a great reason to eat your fruits and veggies!


Reduce risk of the No. 1 killer – Heart Disease.

Vegetarian diets tend to be naturally lower in saturated fat and cholesterol and have a higher intake of plant nutrients than most meat-based diets.1  Vegetarians have been shown to have a 24% lower risk of dying of heart disease than non-vegetarians.2  Furthermore, world-renowned physician Dr. Dean Ornish found that patients on a low-fat vegetarian diet actually reversed coronary heart disease.


Live longer, slow the aging process.

A 12-year Oxford study published in the British Medical Journal found that vegetarians outlive meat eaters by six years. Plant-based diets are generally rich in fiber, phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which in turn strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process. Additionally, a vegetarian diet can prevent and reverse certain chronic diseases 


Increase energy

A diet filled with fruits and vegetables in place of meat provides heaps more nutrients, water, and fiber and is easier to digest. When your body doesn't have to work so hard to digest complex or unhealthy foods, you will have excess energy for other processes. Furthermore, plants carry oxygen through your blood so that everything can work more efficiently.


You’ll fit into your old jeans.

On average, vegetarians are slimmer than meat eaters, and when we diet, we keep the weight off up to seven years longer. That’s because diets that are higher in vegetable proteins are much lower in fat and calories than the SAD. Vegetarians are also less likely to fall victim to weight-related disorders like heart disease, stroke and diabetes.